Toby's Body Issue no. 157 Winter 2000 We all have seen it.In the slide show he gives each summer.There he is! (or There you are!) someone will say
Two Poems Issue no. 149 Winter 1998 A deer!—nibbling on the few green thingsthat grow in my strawy meadow.Mine, we say here: my studio, my meadow, my road.
Augustine Speaks Issue no. 134 Spring 1995 No, I'm not the Austrian—you're confusing mewith Dora—the one who deserted Freudbefore he had his chance to perfect her.
The Unmolested Child Issue no. 103 Summer 1987 Waiting on the stairs of The Mizpah Missionary Home onSummit Avenue, the children of apostles played withneighborhood kids and sometimes spread the gospel, warming